Summer Camp Volunteers
Volunteers make Summer Camp possible!
LifeSupport Team - This special service team can work at LifeChange for a portion of each summer in a very significant support role. They prepare campfires, set-up chairs, help with cleaning, prepare the archery and BB gun ranges, do grounds-keeping, waterfront care, food service, etc. all the while getting the fun of camp life. Without our LifeSupport team, operating a week of camp would be very difficult. Suggested $50 a week per person to help off set food. Contact us for more information.
Kitchen Staff - The kitchen is one of the busiest places at camp during the summer. We are always needing extra hands to help chop the salad, stir the spaghetti, wash dishes and serve the campers with a smile. If you love to serve behind the scenes, consider volunteering for this job!